What is Tantsu®


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Tantsu® has been developed by Harold Dull the same years he created Watsu, the first aquatic bodywork ever in the world. He created a complete sequence for all Tantsu practitioners, in order to bring on land the lively support of Watsu and its connection between movement and breath.

Such a sensation of containment, makes Tantsu® a practice that allows people to let go of everything, deeply.
When our breath connects to our partner’s one, movements resonate as they were one. While moving an arm or a leg, you may hear another part of the body calling to be involved in the dance. No part of the body gets left aside.

All these movements, sometimes manifesting spontaneously, others in a  explorative, playful and creative way, lead us to a space of quiet and deep joy. Tantsu® is a simple practice, and everyone can share such a joy.

Free from limitations and interpretations related to other somatic and spiritual paths, Tantsu® is a new way to be with others, a new Humanism to get in touch with our creative joy.

A specific register on the website www.watsu.com offers a list of courses and meetings where people who studied this practice can develop it further. Tantsu® cradles can be studied in a video or a book, but a guide from an experienced trainer, well aware of possible variations or specific patterns to follow, can help to go deeper into this practice.


NEWS: for the first time in Italy, we have the Tantsu Specialization Path. Please click here in order to download the program.


For further info visit the websites
www.tantsu.com and www.tantsuyoga.com

Associazione culturale Watsu Italia - via Verdi 3 - 58054 Scansano (GR) - C.F. 90020250016   |   Privacy policy   |   Watsu®  and the Watsu Italia logo are registered trademarks.

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